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Waterfront Industrial Action Update November

The Freight and Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have expressed serious concern for the possibility of further Protected Industrial Action that may take place in the coming months. These fears swirl whilst the market faces a glut of empty containers severely congesting ports, assisting farmers in the exporting of agriculture commoditise and other produce as well as the increase in demand of imports due to the fast-approaching festive season.


The FTA says “ While the Federal Government justifiably boasts about its diplomatic achievements in gaining access to Free Trade Agreements and other opportunities for Australian commerce,”


“They are missing a fundamental requirement by failing to guarantee that we have a reliable supply chain to facilitate import and export operations.”


Further to previous updates on the industrial action attacking Australia’s major stevedores, there have been no significant updates or developments. The following updates provide insight into the current landscape for each stevedore:

Patrick Terminals

the MUA provided undertakings to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) committing to not organise or notify any industrial action against Patrick Terminals before 1 December 2020. Patrick and the MUA will continue intensive negotiations in aim to resolve outstanding claims.


We understand that the MUA has lifted the Protected Industrial Action in Brisbane and Sydney for the next three months allowing more time for continued negotiations.

DP World Australia

We understand that the Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne Enterprise Agreements (EAs) are within sight of the finish line with an expectation to be signed off by about 9 / 10 November 2020. Complexities remain in Fremantle and are likely to be delayed.


Although there are no new revelations with industrial action, the FTA has expressed concern about the growing delays due to the current weather events.


The FTA says “This is becoming as big a problem as the much publicised industrial action.”


As of 5th November, the NSW coast was given an extreme wind warning again. Predictions are that La Niña will continue to deliver high rainfall and adverse weather conditions until at least into February 2021.


We will continue to monitor the landscape and provide updates where neccesssary.

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