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DP World Australia Authorised Stop Work meetings

DP World Australia has released updates following the industrial action chaos currently submerging Port Botany and other national ports.


The following details published by DP World are relevant for each port affected.



Please be advised there is an authorised Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) yard meeting for employees at Dp Brisbane on Friday, 20/11/2020, from 1300 – 1700 hours. The Authorised meeting is to allow employees to vote on a new DP World Brisbane Enterprise Agreement. Terminal operations (Vessel & Road) will be stopped during these hours. Please note that the terminal will be closed from 12 noon Friday 20/11 and normal operations will resume at 1700hrs, Friday 20/11.



Please be advised there is an authorised Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) yard meeting in our Sydney Terminal on Thursday, 19 November 2020, from 1200 – 1600.


The authorised meeting is to allow employees to vote on a new DP World Sydney Enterprise Agreement.


DPW PBT are taking the opportunity to make a critical upgrade to our TOS during the Yard Meeting. This will require an extra 2 hours on top of the Yard meeting, so the Terminal will remain shut until second run on Evening shift.


Terminal operations will be stopped during these hours.

GATES CLOSED 1100 Thurs 20/11 Last zone 1000 Road ops to commence at 1900 Below vessels will have an additional free day:

XIN DA LIAN – LFD Saturday 21/11

AL HILAL – LFD Saturday 21/11

ANL EMORA – LFD Sunday 22/11

OREA – LFD Sunday 22/11



These dates will not reflect on 1STOP due to a technicality in the system


We will continue to monitor the landscape and provide updates where necessary.

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