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U.S – Canada Relationship

The relationship between the United States and Canada continues to thrive to the benefit of both countries. 

On the contrary to the new disagreement between China and the United-States, the relation between U.S and Canada remains civil and cooperative on an international stage.

Indeed, in 2018, Canada was the United states’ biggest goods export market. U.S exports to Canada accounted for 18% of overall U.S exports in 2018.

Canada is currently the United States’ second-largest goods trading partner with 617.2 billion in total goods trade during 2018.

The clearance process for businesses that tend to ship goods valued at less than 150$ is faster and less onerous between the two countries.

In term of ‘border security’, there is a friendly and mutual respectful trade relationship between both countries. The stage is set for safe and secure transportation.

The Relationship Between the United States and Canada

The United States and Canada share the longest international border in the world, making their relationship one of the most important in the world. The two countries have a long history of cooperation and trade, and have established strong economic and cultural ties over the years.

While the two countries have a close relationship, there have also been periods of tension and disagreement. One of the most significant points of tension in recent years has been over trade, with both countries imposing tariffs on each other’s goods. However, despite these disagreements, the relationship between the United States and Canada remains strong, and both countries continue to work together on a wide range of issues.

One of the key areas of cooperation between the United States and Canada is on security and defense. The two countries are members of NATO and have a long history of working together on defense and security issues. They also share intelligence and law enforcement information, and cooperate on border security.

Another important area of cooperation is on energy and the environment. Canada is a major producer of oil and gas, and the United States is its largest trading partner in these industries. The two countries also work together on environmental issues, such as climate change and the protection of natural resources.

Trade is also a critical aspect of the relationship between the United States and Canada. The two countries are each other’s largest trading partners, with more than $1.5 billion in goods and services crossing the border every day. The United States and Canada have a free trade agreement in place, known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 2020.

While the USMCA has resolved some of the trade disputes between the two countries, there are still disagreements over issues such as dairy, softwood lumber, and tariffs on steel and aluminum. However, both countries remain committed to resolving these issues and maintaining their strong economic ties.

In addition to security, defense, energy, environment, and trade, the United States and Canada also cooperate on a range of other issues, such as transportation, health, education, and science and technology. The two countries have a long history of cultural exchange and share many similarities in terms of language, values, and way of life.

Overall, the relationship between the United States and Canada is complex and multifaceted. While there are occasional tensions and disagreements, the two countries have a strong history of cooperation and continue to work together on a wide range of issues. As the world becomes more interconnected, the relationship between the United States and Canada will remain an important one, shaping the future of North America and beyond.

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